Let's keep an open mind people. I'm a born again Christian...

Brother Dre - September 7 2009, 9:00 AM

Let's keep an open mind people.

I'm a born again Christian, isn't our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST great?, and I'm for all music, Christian, Compas, Jazz, Rap, Classical, etc, as long as it is good music and the message is positive.

People listen to music for all reasons; I also believe that people listen to music that they enjoy.

Well Christians are the same way, some more opened minded then others, because of their commitment to following the teachings of JESUS however, they will exclude the music with lyrics that do not reflect the values instilled by HIM. Now when it comes to the Haitian Pastors, be not to hasty to judge.

You may not understand the reasons why, and I may not agree whit it, but I believe there's a reason for it. This is my theory.

Ever heard the expression "a new convert is like a baby!".

Well you must watch a baby closely and has he grows up, you watch him less and less. Let's take me as an example; before I was SAVED, I had a collection of about 100 plus music CD's, all types of music.

When I got saved, I did a radical thing.

I thought of throwing them all away in the trash, but I'm not that dumb, so I sold them all. For the first few years of my Christian life, I only listened to Christian music and radio stations.

Now, it's been a few years and I've matured, acquired some wisdom and know that it's the lyrics that matter.

So again I listen to a wide variety of music styles but now it's all positive and not trashy, some of it is Christian and some of it not. I think that the Haitian Pastors, instead of teaching the new converts to listen for content, just take the easy way and tell them to avoid it all together.


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