Remin - Creole Bible Talk - Etudes bibliques en ligne
Topic and comments posted by Remin
As being the Sport regarding Airsoft evolves in global...
January 23, 2011 10:02 AM
As being the Sport regarding Airsoft evolves in global recognition today, many buffs of the Sport of Airsoft plus the... more »
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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- Love this Haitian Creole Bible
- This might be the answer from a writer to Amazon...
- Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is...
- Bib la di Pa gaspiye tan w ap prouve yon moun fou li anto
- Pa kite volume stress ki nan lavi w ak stress ki genyen nan peyi Dayiti pote w ale.
- iMpOrtAnt!!!!! from spain :
- In these bad times you need to have hope that things will get better. Read this Bible verse.
- Le w vle dekouraje, sonje Bib la di si w pesevere w ap rive ak fos
- Bib la di, tankou ti bebe, fok nou chwazi bon dirijan tankou bon let san dekoupe
- Mwen vinn konprann bib la yon lot jan. Chak eksperyans ki make lavi w, ou vinn you lot moun. Eske se sa ki Kris la?