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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- This might be the answer from a writer to Amazon...
- Levitique 20:7 - Vous sanctifirez et vous serez saints - Let the bible be your best friend because Jesus will never forsake you
- Le tet ou two di, tout tan Bondye pa rache 2 da nan bouch ou, ou pap aprann
- I have always thought of God and Jesus as 2 separate people, two different beings
- Haitian Pastor needs Bibles and support
- Hello everyone, my name is Moises (Moses) from...
- Si yon hougan fe w yon bagay ki koz yon male rive, ke la justice fe travay li
- iMpOrtAnt!!!!! from spain :
- Kek fwa nan lavi a fok ou re-envante tet ou, pran kek desizyon pou amelyore lavi w
- Si w te konnen kisa ki te nan ke yo ou tap kouri deye yo ak manchet