Hi, My name is Marcda Barreau and I'm a Haitian Christian. I...
- September 26 2009, 11:34 AM
My name is Marcda Barreau and I'm a Haitian Christian.
I would love to a conversation with you. I left Haiti when I was ten, yet I have been holding on to my culture beliefs.
Interested in communicating with Haitians
I am very interesting in communicating with Haitian Christians. I am a white American who has does some missionary...
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Hello, Marcda. I suppose that you have relatives in...
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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- Thanks for the quick reply.. well from biblegateway i...
- Nan moman pwoblem yo, le ou anvi bay vag, li enpotan pou w sonje ke Bondye gen yon plan pou ou
- i don't think, there should be a dress code or...
- W ap travay di, le pou ou pran plezi - Pifo kretyen ayisyen panse se peche si w pran plezi w nan lavi. Se vre?
- We Haitians should praise the Lord for having protected Haiti from covid-19 this far
- Sa ki inpotan pou Bondie ou believe in him not what...
- Ayisyen gaye tout kote ap cheche manje ak sekitite. Bondye di l ap kondane tout move dirijan ki lakoz
- if God said thou shalt not have any other gods b
- Religion can't save you especially now that we are in the last days
- Bib la di bay giyon an vag, kitel an repo, li pap chanje