I too am a voice for underserved populations in America and...
I too am a voice for underserved populations in America and beyond.
Tell me more about your ministry.
I began answering the call to Haiti 9 years ago. I keep a journal and have the draft of a book I am writing to help earn funds for the abandoned children of the mountains.
I also am hearing a new call from God. 9 years ago God asked me to "go tell it ON the mountains" about His Mercy, Grace and Love. 2 summers ago I ran across a group of abandoned children living without clothes in the mountains like wild animals.
Now God is asking me to "go tell it FROM the mountains".
I am looking for venues by which to share my testimony on behalf of these children.
I am unfortunately limited and not working as deeply as I can due to my own personal financial restraints.
I am a trench woman.
God calls all to either go, pray or provide for those you do go. I am looking desperately for sponsorship.
I say desperately because children I hugged in July have starved today by September.
Tell me about your work.
Interested in communicating with Haitians
I am very interesting in communicating with Haitian Christians. I am a white American who has does some missionary...
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Hello, Yolantha. Thank you for your response. I have...
My name is Mathilde, I am haitian, christian, and I...
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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- if somebody has no sins that's mean jesus christ...
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- Religion can't save you especially now that we are in the last days
- Gen vese m pa lage pou moun pa di se pwen map voye.
- Ayisyen gen dwa pou l viv nan one ak diyite, wol leta, kisa Bib la di
- Can you tell me so that I can no? lbinx at yahoo.com
- haitians want creole bibles