Daily Bible Verse - Sometimes in life you have to reinvent yourself, make some decisions to improve your life
Every moment in your life, you must do what is called in English "a self-evaluation," you must ask yourself some questions:
Is the decision I am making a good decision?
Will the road I take take me where I want to go?
Is the choice I made a good choice?
If you give yourself an honest answer, and you realize that you are digging yourself into a hole, the first thing you must do is stop digging.
After that, start making the decision to remove yourself from the round.
The Bible says that you have the power to transform yourself.
This concept of transformation means embracing a new identity that reflects better values and a better quality of life. Keep improving yourself as you strive to be better every day.
It may take time but once you decide you want to improve your life, little by little you will get to where you want to go.
Read Ephesians 4:22 - Read the Bible in Creole
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