Hello everyone, my name is Moises (Moses) from Guatemala and I...
Hello everyone, my name is Moises (Moses) from Guatemala and I am on my way to Haiti.
I am conviced God has a plan for Haitian people and I want to be part of it. My wife and children are praying for this trip. If you know any pastor that could be of assistance and guide me while there, that will be a blessing too. My E-mail addrees is we_pray33dc at hotmail.com At this point I am working hard to make contacts in Haiti, because I don't know anyone, but I am sure God has a plan and He will open doors for this job to get done. Thanks and God Bless you all.
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I would like to assist in any way that I can. I am a...
Interested in communicating with Haitians
I am very interesting in communicating with Haitian Christians. I am a white American who has does some missionary...
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Hello Moises If you have not taken your trip yet, i...
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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- Nou mechan anpil, se reflesyon pov sa yo ki lage peyi...
- Evans is very right. You sir read Jean 17:3. And the...
- Ayisyen vinn tounen kolon nan bouda Ayisyen parey yo. Pye mechan sa yo gen pou pran man pelen
- Does bible not teach that we can go to heaven and live eternally?
- Bib la di kit ou pa gen ase, kit ou gen plis pase sa w bezwen, kontante tet ou...
- You guys are STUPID. Music is part of your culture...
- Sispann stresse tet ou pou bagay ou vle, ou anvi men w pa bezwen
- Se yon boul lo ou ye, sa pa vle di moun ki bo kote w la konprann sa
- En Haiti gran neg ap fe frekan dirijan ap fe chelbe, kote peyi sa pwale?