Ecclesiastes 1 Verse 6 - The Bible : English
Here is what the Bible says on Ecclesiastes 1, Verse 6:
Ecclesiastes 1:6 in English"The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north. It turns around continually as it goes, and the wind returns again to its courses." << 7 >>
Ecclesiastes 1:6 in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) (Eklezyas 1:6)
"Van an soufle soti nan nò desann nan sid. Apre sa, li vire soti nan sid moute nan nò. Konsa, l'ap vire tounen nan menm chemen an san rete."
Ecclesiastes 1:6 in French (Francais) (Ecclesiaste 1:6)
"Le vent se dirige vers le midi, tourne vers le nord; puis il tourne encore, et reprend les mêmes circuits."
<< Verse 5 | Ecclesiastes 1 | Verse 7 >>
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