Ecclesiastes 1 Verse 17 - The Bible : English
Here is what the Bible says on Ecclesiastes 1, Verse 17:
Ecclesiastes 1:17 in English"I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing after wind." << 18 >>
Ecclesiastes 1:17 in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) (Eklezyas 1:17)
"Mwen te soti pou m' te konnen diferans ki genyen ant moun ki gen konprann ak moun egare, ant moun ki gen konesans ak moun sòt. Men, la ankò, mwen wè anyen pa rapòte anyen."
Ecclesiastes 1:17 in French (Francais) (Ecclesiaste 1:17)
"J`ai appliqué mon coeur à connaître la sagesse, et à connaître la sottise et la folie; j`ai compris que cela aussi c`est la poursuite du vent."
<< Verse 16 | Ecclesiastes 1 | Verse 18 >>
*New* Read Ecclesiastes 1:17 in Spanish, read Ecclesiastes 1:17 in Portugese.
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