Ecclesiastes 1 Verse 14 - The Bible : English
Here is what the Bible says on Ecclesiastes 1, Verse 14:
Ecclesiastes 1:14 in English"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and a chasing after wind." << 15 >>
Ecclesiastes 1:14 in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) (Eklezyas 1:14)
"Mwen wè tou sa k'ap fèt sou latè. Anyen pa vo anyen! Anyen pa rapòte anyen."
Ecclesiastes 1:14 in French (Francais) (Ecclesiaste 1:14)
"J`ai vu tout ce qui se fait sous le soleil; et voici, tout est vanité et poursuite du vent."
<< Verse 13 | Ecclesiastes 1 | Verse 15 >>
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Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
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- Bib la di Pa gaspiye tan w ap prouve yon moun fou li anto
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- God is faithful. God did not ask you what you do or...
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