Egzod 25 Vese 16 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Egzod 25, Vese 16:
Kreyol: Egzod 25:16"Mwen pral ba ou de ròch plat ki va sèvi pou nou toujou chonje m'. W'a mete yo nan bwat la." << 17 >>
English: Exodus 25:16
"You shall put the testimony which I shall give you into the ark."
Francais: Exode 25:16
"Tu mettras dans l`arche le témoignage, que je te donnerai."
<< Vese 15 | Egzod 25 | Vese 17 >>
*Nouvo* Li Egzod 25:16 an Espanyol, li Egzod 25:16 an Pòtigè.
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