Exodus 36 Verse 20 - The Bible : English
Here is what the Bible says on Exodus 36, Verse 20:
Exodus 36:20 in English"He made the boards for the tent of acacia wood, standing up." << 21 >>
Exodus 36:20 in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) (Egzod 36:20)
"Yo te fè ankadreman an bwa zakasya pou soutni tant Bondye a."
Exodus 36:20 in French (Francais) (Exode 36:20)
"On fit les planches pour le tabernacle; elles étaient de bois d`acacia, placées debout."
<< Verse 19 | Exodus 36 | Verse 21 >>
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