Matye 13 Vese 56 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Matye 13, Vese 56:
Kreyol: Matye 13:56"Apa tout sè l' yo la avèk nou. Kote l' jwenn tout bagay sa yo?" << 57 >>
English: Matthew 13:56
"Aren`t all of his sisters with us? Where, then did this man get all of these things?""
Francais: Matthieu 13:56
"et ses soeurs ne sont-elles pas toutes parmi nous? D`où lui viennent donc toutes ces choses?"
<< Vese 55 | Matye 13 | Vese 57 >>
*Nouvo* Li Matye 13:56 an Espanyol, li Matye 13:56 an Pòtigè.
Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- Si yon hougan fe w yon bagay ki koz yon male rive, ke la justice fe travay li
- Chita la ap fe makak, fe still, gade pou we si Bondye va ba w la men le w finn kase dan w
- Not because you're going to church every week that's...
- You can go for God is nothing, another way you can go...
- i don't think, there should be a dress code or...
- Bondye ap lage yon seri kout raso sou Haiti ak Ayisyen, se krev ke
- You guys are STUPID. Music is part of your culture...
- Le ou se yon dirijan fok ke w sansib pou pep wap dirije a. Ke dirijan Haiti yo sansib pou poch yo, madanm ak pitit selman
- Aprann anbrase Konesans ak Bon Konprann kom konpayon Fidel ou pou yon lavi miyo
- Religion can't save you especially now that we are in the last days