Matye 13 Vese 3 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Matye 13, Vese 3:
Kreyol: Matye 13:3"Li t'ap rakonte yo kèk parabòl pou l' te fè yo konprann anpil bagay. Li t'ap di yo konsa: Ala, yon moun soti pou l' ale simen grenn nan jaden l'." << 4 >>
English: Matthew 13:3
"He spoke to them many things in parables, saying, "Behold, the farmer went forth to sow."
Francais: Matthieu 13:3
"Il leur parla en paraboles sur beaucoup de choses, et il dit:"
<< Vese 2 | Matye 13 | Vese 4 >>
*Nouvo* Li Matye 13:3 an Espanyol, li Matye 13:3 an Pòtigè.
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