Matye 13 Vese 13 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Matye 13, Vese 13:
Kreyol: Matye 13:13"Se poutèt sa m'ap pale an parabòl ak moun sa yo. Paske, lè y'ap gade yo pa wè, lè y'ap koute yo pa tande, ni yo pa konprann." << 14 >>
English: Matthew 13:13
"Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they don`t see, and hearing, they don`t hear, neither do they understand."
Francais: Matthieu 13:13
"C`est pourquoi je leur parle en paraboles, parce qu`en voyant ils ne voient point, et qu`en entendant ils n`entendent ni ne comprennent."
<< Vese 12 | Matye 13 | Vese 14 >>
*Nouvo* Li Matye 13:13 an Espanyol, li Matye 13:13 an Pòtigè.
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