Mak 14 Vese 56 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Mak 14, Vese 56:
Kreyol: Mak 14:56"Anpil moun te vin fè manti sou li. Men, pawòl yo pa t' dakò." << 57 >>
English: Mark 14:56
"For many gave false testimony against him, and their testimony didn`t agree with each other."
Francais: Marc 14:56
"car plusieurs rendaient de faux témoignages contre lui, mais les témoignages ne s`accordaient pas."
<< Vese 55 | Mak 14 | Vese 57 >>
*Nouvo* Li Mak 14:56 an Espanyol, li Mak 14:56 an Pòtigè.
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