Mak 14 Vese 22 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan Mak 14, Vese 22:
Kreyol: Mak 14:22"Antan yo t'ap manje, Jezi pranpen, li di Bondye mèsi, li kase l'; li bay disip li yo, li di yo konsa: -Men, pran. Sa se kò mwen." << 23 >>
English: Mark 14:22
"As they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had blessed, he broke it, and gave to them, and said, "Take, eat. This is my body.""
Francais: Marc 14:22
"Pendant qu`ils mangeaient, Jésus prit du pain; et, après avoir rendu grâces, il le rompit, et le leur donna, en disant: Prenez, ceci est mon corps."
<< Vese 21 | Mak 14 | Vese 23 >>
*Nouvo* Li Mak 14:22 an Espanyol, li Mak 14:22 an Pòtigè.
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