2 Samyel 13 Vese 33 - Bib la en Kreyol
Men kisa La Bib di nan 2 Samyel 13, Vese 33:
Kreyol: 2 Samyel 13:33"Koulye a, monwa, ou pa bezwen koute moun k'ap vin di ou tout pitit gason ou yo mouri. Se Amnon ase yo touye." << 34 >>
English: 2 Samuel 13:33
"Now therefore don`t let my lord the king take the thing to his heart, to think that all the king`s sons are dead; for Amnon only is dead."
Francais: 2 Samuel 13:33
"Que le roi mon seigneur ne se tourmente donc point dans l`idée que tous les fils du roi sont morts, car Amnon seul est mort."
<< Vese 32 | 2 Samyel 13 | Vese 34 >>
*Nouvo* Li 2 Samyel 13:33 an Espanyol, li 2 Samyel 13:33 an Pòtigè.
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- Le ou se yon dirijan fok ke w sansib pou pep wap dirije a. Ke dirijan Haiti yo sansib pou poch yo, madanm ak pitit selman
- In these bad times you need to have hope that things will get better. Read this Bible verse.
- Bib la di le w gen renmen nan ke w ou fe yonn ak Bondye, Bondye fe yonn ave w
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- Gen vese m pa lage pou moun pa di se pwen map voye.
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