- Read The Bible in English
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Ester
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Songs
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
- Revelation
- Lire La Bible en Francais
- Genese
- Exode
- Levitique
- Nombres
- Deuteronome
- Josue
- Juges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Rois
- 2 Rois
- 1 Chroniques
- 2 Chroniques
- Esdras
- Nehemie
- Esther
- Job
- Psaumes
- Proverbes
- Ecclesiaste
- Cantique des Cantiques
- Isaie
- Jeremie
- Lamentations
- Ezechiel
- Daniel
- Osee
- Joel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Michee
- Nahum
- Habaquq
- Sophonie
- Agee
- Zacharie
- Malachie
- Matthieu
- Marc
- Luc
- Jean
- Actes des Apotres
- Romains
- 1 Corinthiens
- 2 Corinthiens
- Galates
- Ephesiens
- Philippiens
- Colossiens
- 1 Thessaloniciens
- 2 Thessaloniciens
- 1 Timothee
- 2 Timothee
- Tite
- Philemon
- Hebreux
- Jacques
- 1 Pierre
- 2 Pierre
- 1 Jean
- 2 Jean
- 3 Jean
- Jude
- Apocalypse
- Li Bib la en Kreyol Ayisyen
- Jenez
- Egzod
- Levitik
- Resansman
- Deteronom
- Jozye
- Jij
- Rit
- 1 Samyel
- 2 Samyel
- 1 Wa
- 2 Wa
- 1 Istwa
- 2 Istwa
- Esdras
- Neemi
- Este
- Job
- Som
- Pwoveb
- Eklezyas
- Chante Salomon
- Ezayi
- Jeremi
- Plenn
- Ezekyel
- Danyel
- Oze
- Jowel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Miche
- Nawoum
- Abakouk
- Sofoni
- Aje
- Zakari
- Malachi
- Matye
- Mak
- Lik
- Jan
- Travay
- Rom
- 1 Korint
- 2 Korint
- Galasi
- Efez
- Filip
- Kolos
- 1 Tesalonik
- 2 Tesalonik
- 1 Timote
- 2 Timote
- Tit
- Filemon
- Ebre
- Jak
- 1 Pie
- 2 Pie
- 1 Jan
- 2 Jan
- 3 Jan
- Jid
- Revelasyon
Haiti Bible Study / Etude Biblique Forum
- how are you jonatan I'm very glad to answer you you...
- Se pa Bondye k ap pini pep Ayisyen
- Hi Evans! I love ur comment and i sent u a message on...
- W ap travay di, le pou ou pran plezi - Pifo kretyen ayisyen panse se peche si w pran plezi w nan lavi. Se vre?
- Bib la di Pa gaspiye tan w ap prouve yon moun fou li anto
- Attention il y ont beaucoup des hypocrites a l'eglise...
- We Haitians should praise the Lord for having protected Haiti from covid-19 this far
- Eske se Bondye ki fe chef k'ap dirije Haiti yo vinn pa vo anyen?
- Bib la di Bondye p'ap kite yo tante w yon jan ki depase sa w ka sipote
- Meye leve sou bouda w. Mete aksyon deye pawol k ap rantre nan twou zorey ou yo!