Miche 1 Vese 16 - Bib la en Kreyol

Men kisa La Bib di nan Miche 1, Vese 16:

Kreyol: Miche 1:16

"Nou menm moun Jida, reziyen nou, paske sa fè kè nou fè nou mal pou nou wè sa timoun nou renmen anpil yo ap fè. Mare ren nou tankou moun ki nan lapenn, paske y'ap depòte timoun nou yo ale byen lwen nou." <<  


English: Micah 1:16

"Make you bald, and cut off your hair for the children of your delight: enlarge your baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from you."


Francais: Michee 1:16

"Rase-toi, coupe ta chevelure, A cause de tes enfants chéris! Rends-toi chauve comme l`aigle, Car ils s`en vont en captivité loin de toi!"

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*Nouvo* Li Miche 1:16 an Espanyol, li Miche 1:16 an Pòtigè.