1 Kings 22 Verse 34 - The Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on 1 Kings 22, Verse 34:

1 Kings 22:34 in English

"A certain man drew his bow at a venture, and struck the king of Israel between the joints of the armor: why he said to the driver of his chariot, Turn your hand, and carry me out of the host; for I am sore wounded." <<   35 >>


1 Kings 22:34 in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) (1 Wa 22:34)

"Lè sa a, yon sòlda peyi Siri a rete konsa li voye yon flèch. Flèch la al pran Akab, wa Izrayèl la, nan fant rad lagè ki te sou li a. Wa a di sòlda ki t'ap mennen cha li a: -Kase tèt tounen. Annou kite batay la, paske mwen blese grav."


1 Kings 22:34 in French (Francais) (1 Rois 22:34)

"Alors un homme tira de son arc au hasard, et frappa le roi d`Israël au défaut de la cuirasse. Le roi dit à celui qui dirigeait son char: Tourne, et fais-moi sortir du champ de bataille, car je suis blessé."

<< Verse 33   |   1 Kings 22   |   Verse 35 >>

*New* Read 1 Kings 22:34 in Spanish, read 1 Kings 22:34 in Portugese.